Group Direction triads are not Bible studies. As important as Scripture study is there are many options for people to explore theology and Scripture exegesis. You can find my personal favorite option at
Group Direction is the prayerful, Spirit-led work of listening for Christ’s activity shaping the contours of our souls and the invitations to partner with God in the world in which we live.
We desire to create safe places for groups of 3 to explore how Christian faith is taking root within us as we ground our stories in God’s life through prayer. In the process, we learn to notice, wonder, and appreciate each other’s experiences rather than correct, advise, or fix each other.
For group direction I offer two tracks:
Text-Centered Reflection
Time Frame
Meet Bi-weekly for 12 Weeks
$210-300 for 6 meetings
Time Frame
Meet Once a Month
$35-50/ Month